Litigation in India

Managing reputation in high-profile commercial disputes
and the role of litigation PR


In any dispute, the threat of Litigation is a scare for any business. It adds on to the risks and loss of some very valuable opportunities. But before the business suffers, it is pertinent to step up the communications and defend the reputation.

There are an increasing interest and reports of media into such matters, that is why the business needs to be correctly represented and protect its reputation at large.

In this roundtable we bring you experts who ran global mandates for high-profile commercial clients. They discuss and answer the following for you –

1.) What is litigation PR?
2.) Who can litigation PR impact?
3.) Why is Litigation PR important in corporate and commwercial disputes?
4.) Are private practice lawyers and GC’s taking reputaion management more seriously as part of their litigation strategies?
5.) What considerations should board members make, even before disputes are live?
6.) From the perspective of the media, how can the reputation of a company in conflict be shaped by a good litigation PR strategy


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